In this study, researchers used high-density electroencephalography (EEG) to investigate how brain activity patterns are coupled with finger movements during an interception task. Participants were tasked with intercepting a moving target using their fingers, while their brain activity was recorded using EEG sensors. The study focused on a concept called "tau-coupling," which helps us understand how our movements are guided by closing the gap between our actions and their intended targets. By exploring the resonance between our brains and the environment, the researchers aimed to gain insights into the dynamics of neural activity and its relationship to movement coordination. The analysis of movement-related potentials (MRPs) and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) revealed that the timing of brain responses, represented by N200 and P300 latencies, increased as the speed of the moving target increased. Interestingly, the latencies were consistently longer in MRPs compared to VEPs, suggesting a different processing speed for motor-related brain activity. The analysis of tau-coupling demonstrated significant connections between car motion and finger movement coordinates, brain activity and car movement coordinates, brain activity and finger movement coordinates, as well as the average latency peaks of MRPs and VEPs. The strength of these connections increased with the speed of the moving object. In conclusion, this study provides evidence for the existence of tau-coupling, showcasing the interplay between visual perception, motor activity, finger movements, and the movements of a moving object in an interception task. The findings deepen our understanding of the complex relationship between brain activity and physical actions, shedding light on the mechanisms underlying interceptive timing tasks.

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This website repository has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 897102